Developing resilient, low-carbon and more livable urban residential area

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE17 CCA/SK/000126
The LIFE DELIVER project aims to introduce adaptation and mitigation measures in residential areas consisting of mostly prefabricated buildings. The aim is to increase their resilience and reduce carbon footprints so as to boost the health and comfort of the local citizens, improve their property protection and increase biodiversity. The project will contribute significantly to EU policy priorities for climate adaptation and mitigation and biodiversity in urban areas. Specifically, the project aims to:
* Increase knowledge of common consolidated climate resilience and carbon footprint assessment, as well as the monitoring of progress in urban residential areas;
* Promote and demonstrate the integrated adaptation and mitigation approach with emphasis on eco-based climate solutions and biodiversity promotion;
* Increase the inclusion of residents into the process of combating climate change to strengthen their safety from related risks and to promote biodiversity;
* Propose changes and improvements to national climate legislation; and
* Increase awareness and promote the project approach to other cities in the EU with similar climate problems.
Expected results:
* Climate Resilient Low Carbon Factor Assessment tool (CReLoCaF), including methodology and description, that is accessible via a web interface and has an established benchmarking system;
* Climate Resilient Low Carbon Action Plan (CReLoCa AP) prepared and adopted by the municipality, following a pilot refurbishment of two public buildings and the renovation of open spaces based on the public participation process;
* Pilot actions demonstrating increased climate resilience, improved biodiversity protection, optimised energy consumption (proposal for two model residential buildings to become near zero energy buildings) and quantified potential energy savings and carbon footprint reduction;
* Community Climate and Biodiversity Educational Centre (CoCliBEC) with counselling centre established, and an educational and demonstration zone created;
* Contribution to building and other relevant legislation prepared and presented, as well as standards for sustainable rainwater management prepared; and
* Two conferences (kick off and final), three professional seminars, four printed publications (leaflets, e-newsletter for stakeholders) cooperation with international working group on adaptation (Climate alliance working group on adaptation, mayors adapt practitioners working group), 10 articles and five presentations at international conferences.
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
Time frame
2018 - 2023
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Land Regeneration
Health and Well-being & Air Quality
Green Infrastructure
Urban Ecosystems