Application of Nature-Based Solutions for local adaptation of educational and social buildings to Climate Change

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE17 CCA/ES/000088
The overall objective of the LIFE-myBUILDINGisGREEN project is to contribute to increasing the resilience of social buildings and educational centres by implementing nature-based solutions as prototypes of climate adaptation and improved well-being.
Specifically, the project aims to:
* Improve knowledge on the development, assessment and monitoring of vulnerability to climate change of buildings by developing and testing a common, ready-to-use method in the southern, western, central and northern European regions;
* Analyse and verify the impact of nature-based solutions as measures to adapt to climate change in three pilot buildings;
* Promote sustainable ecosystem-based adaptation measures and increase the capacity to apply such knowledge in practice through dissemination and demonstration workshops;
* Promote the governance of regional authorities, directors and building managers, and the construction sector to integrate natured-based solutions as part of measures to promote sustainable adaptation in buildings; and
* Contribute to the development and implementation of a common EU policy on adaptation to climate change by transferring best practices and knowledge to target groups and stakeholders.
Expected results:
* Nature-based solutions applied to three pilot buildings (two educational centres and one social services centre), including the drawing up of construction projects and the monitoring of the climatic parameters;
* Four reference reports and seven good practice manuals on the application of nature-based solutions in public buildings for the four climatic risk areas of the EU;
15 government agreements and 10 inter-municipal programmes, along with the integration of nature-based solutions into 10 regulations, action plans and environmental programmes;
* 20% reduction of CO2 emissions (27 tonnes per year) and 7% reduction of NOx (144 kg per year) at the project sites;
* Collection of 2 700 m3 of rainfall;
* 50% reduction of the irrigation water consumption for each building (4.5m3 per year);
* 0.5 ha increase in the size of the green areas for each building; and
* 50% reduction of energy costs for cooling and 10% for heating, amounting to ?1 000 per building.
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
Time frame
2018 - 2022
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Climate Resilience
Ecosystem-based adaptation
Urban Ecosystems