Generate REsiliENt actions agaiNst the HEat islAnd effect on uRban Territory

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE18 CCA/FR/001150
LIFE Green Heart
The main objective of the LIFE Green Heart project is to reduce the local temperature by 3C on average during heatwave events on an area of 30 hectares located on the Ile du Ramier in Toulouse, by counteracting the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Surrounding neighbourhoods will also benefit from this cooling effect.
The Green Heart projects overall aim is to increase the resilience of Toulouse Metropoles territory to climate change. The project includes four operational objectives to address the causes and consequences of the UHI effect: 1. Increasing the green space surface area by 15 hectares by 2024 (including riverside vegetation), using adapted plants and planting methods; 2. Restoring biodiversity by consolidating the green and blue infrastructure; 3. Limiting air and noise pollution by developing routes for soft modes of transport (e.g. cycle lanes); and 4. Creating tools to support the development of long-term urban development policy, considering the challenges posed by adapting the territory to climate change.
The project aims to contribute to the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change, the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (COM(2011)244) and the Roadmap for a Resource Efficient Europe (COM(2011)571). At the local level, the project aims at implementing the Territorial Climate Energy Plan of Toulouse Mtropole for 2018-2023.
Expected results:
* air temperature reduced by 3C on average in the areas with urban regreening implementation during intense heat periods;
* green space surface area in the city centre increased from 3 hectares to 19 hectares by 2024;
* surface area of the riverside vegetation increased by 50% between 2018 and 2024;
* a continuity of 4 km of the green and blue infrastructure networks;
* biodiversity restoration across 30 hectares;
* 800 parking spaces deleted (70%) compared to 2018;
* creation of walking and cycling routes on a total area of 5.6 hectares; and
* reduction of noise pollution by 3 dBs.
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
Time frame
2019 - 2024
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Land Regeneration
Green Infrastructure
Urban Ecosystems