Restauration and preservation of the ecological continuity of Gascons Hills

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE19 NAT/FR/000828
The main objective of LIFE COTEAUX GASCONS is to restore the ecological continuity of open agro-pastoral ecosystems in the Gascon hills area. This includes five Natura 2000 sites (in full or in part). The area covered by these ecosystems is estimated at more than 30 000 ha, of which almost 6 000 ha are considered to be biodiversity reservoirs. The project will seek to restore ecological corridors and reservoirs, by restoring abandoned grasslands and re-creating agro-pastoral systems in areas where it is necessary to re-establish continuity, and by improving the conservation state and functionality of degraded agro-pastoral systems.
This is expected to benefit six habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive (grasslands, dry heaths and lowland meadows) and seven species listed in Annex II (Lycanea dispar, Euphydryas aurinia, Emys orbicularis, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Barbastella barbastellus and Myotis bechsteini). The project will therefore help with implementation of this directive, as well as benefiting other species of interest,especially orchids. Orchids, Lepidoptera and birds associated with agro-pastoral ecosystems will serve as monitoring indicators.
A 20% gain in the connectivity of agro-pastoral ecosystems is targeted. Specific indicators will also be defined to assess the projects impact on ecosystem services. This approach is in line with the EUs biodiversity strategy for 2030 and green infrastructure policy, as well as with the regional ecological coherence scheme. The projects actions are also responding to the objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Another goal of LIFE COTEAUX GASCONS will be to test and compare innovative land-use strategies as well as restoration and management techniques which can be replicated in other territories, and even possibly transferred to other types of ecological continuity.
Lastly, it is hoped that reopening agro-pastoral ecosystems will provide farmers with permanent and resilient grasslands, enabling them to take ownership of preserving these ecosystems, and that it will represent a real socio-economic gain for farmers and their farms.
Expected results:
* Improved functionality of 1 500 ha of agro-pastoral ecosystems considered to be biodiversity reservoirs, thanks to appropriate management and/or restoration;
* 1 000 ha of agro-pastoral ecosystems restored between the biodiversity reservoirs; and
* Communication actions reaching 2 000 people (elected representatives and the general public) and 200 farmers, raising awareness about the importance of agro-pastoral ecosystems and the need to integrate them into local economic and social development.
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
NBS type
Type 2
Societal challenges
Climate Resilience
Ecological engineering
Rivers, Lakes and Ponds