Project 2 - Soil and water conservation through agroforestry

Funding programme
Project ID
Feel Wood - Trans Agro Forest
Increasing problems related to intensive agriculture dominant in the cross-border territory are pointed out: soil erosion, groundwater pollution, loss of biodiversity, etc. It then results in an undeniable need to evolve towards new, more rational and sustainable practices. At the heart of this evolution: the protection of soil and water. Indeed, these two elements are paramount because the fertility of agricultural soils and the quality of the water depend on their management. For these reasons, agroforestry is an innovative practice that today needs to be developed and materialised on the ground: it is an ally of choice to fight the problems of soil management and water pollution. Trees retain soils during rains and absorb the excesses of agricultural spreading. The TRANS AGRO FOREST project intends to encourage their return to the fields while being compatible with mechanisation. It therefore proposes to inform farmers and technicians, but also the general public, about the potential of agroforestry and what this evolution represents. A network of pilot farms will be created and will feed into the communication work.Number of integrated natural resource and territorial management systems: 1. Agroforestry alone represents an integrated natural resources management system.Number of actions for sustainable development through integrated management of natural resources, preservation of natural resources, public awareness, and development of innovative technologies: 11.
Lead entity
HD Gestion
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
Time frame
2016 - 2020
NBS type
Type 2
Societal challenges
Climate Resilience
Food security
Ecosystem-based forest management