Assessing the effects of past and future climate change on biodiversity of soils and farming innovations for improved resilience of European wheat agrosystems

Funding programme
Project ID
In the face of climate change, crop species and agricultural practices will require adaptation to produce high quality food while reducing the impact of agriculture on the environment. The study of mechanisms underlying the anticipated negative impact of climate change on food production thus needs all the attention in order to design cropping systems resilient to climate change. To date, most of the climate change studies have been focused on the plant physiology without addressing key questions linked to root and soil diversity and functioning under fully realistic anticipated climatic scenarios. The main goal of this project is to assess the impacts of climate change and innovative farming practices on plant productivity, nutritional quality and fitness. A strong focus will be given on the study of soil functioning and the related soil microbiome as well as micro- and meso-fauna biodiversity. This will allow a better understanding of the reported changes in productivity, quality value of the cereal grains and the suppressiveness capacity of such soils against (a)biotic stresses. Practically, experiments in cutting-edge Ecotrons as well as long-term field trials in which abiotic stress and innovative farming practices are tested will be performed with wheat to (1) measure the impact of climate change on crop growth kinetics, yield and quality traits with a focus on grain nutritional and technological quality, (2) identify soil taxa clearly impacted by climate change and whose functions are directly or indirectly linked to nutrient use efficiency, disease resistance and crop quality traits, (3) assess and characterize farming innovations that enhance the prevalence of beneficial taxa vs pathogenic ones and the production of healthy and nutritious wheat grains and (4) provide recommendations that target farming practices enabling quality wheat production together with soil biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation under predicted climate change. The project outcomes will provide the basis for the development of future ecologically intensive crop management strategies maximizing resource use efficiency and production of quality traits linked to human health and nutrition, in the context of climate change. The BIOFAIR project will therefore directly contribute to policies related to key areas for European citizens: food security and industry, human health, sustainable consumption and production patterns, mitigation of climate change impacts and protection of terrestrial ecosystems.
Lead entity
Plant Sciences – Liège University Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Lead Country
Liège University Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech – Gembloux
The Research Institute Of Organic Agriculture
The Research Institute Of Organic Agriculture Europe
Hohenheim University
Institut Für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340h)
Ghent University
Estación Experimental De Zonas Áridas - Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas
French National Institute For For Agriculture
Food And Environment
Partners countries
Start end date
Time frame
2021 - 2024
NBS type
Type 2
Societal challenges
Food security
Knowledge and Social Capacity building for Sustainable Transformation