Alternative FRESH water resources for saline Coastal Areas

Funding programme
Project ID
The main objective of the FRESH4Cs project is to provide year-long sustainable fresh water resources for the different water users in rural coastal plains, as an alternative for the use of the increasingly salinized shallow groundwater and surface water and/or overexploited deeper aquifers. We will do this by demonstrating five different solutions. These alternative water resources considered focus on using surplus fresh water that is now drained to sea during periods of water abundancy.The main results are the efficient use of surplus fresh water resources that are currently drained in the sea and a reduced pressure on unsustainable water resources. A secondary result is the increase of subsurface fresh water quantities and decreasing salinization. Results will be measured by the amount of water coming from these alternative resources. Over the 5 demo sites annually 1 360 000 m³ of fresh water will be provided, with another 0.5-1M m³/yr through a feasability study.Five demonstration sites for the use of alternative water resources and one evaluation report on these technologies are a first output. These demos include technologies based on shallow aquifer storage (creek ridge infiltration (with/without desalination) and managed aquifer recharge; UK, NL, BE), innovative water management including storage and redistribution (UK) and the use of waste water through a nature based solution upgrade of an existing treatment plant (BE). These demos will benefit local actors in the water landscape: water managers (governmental or private), water utilities and water users such as farmers, tourism and drinking water production. We will start one replication site through by conducting a feasability study.
A roadmap for widespread implementation of the demo technologies will be delivered, which will focus on technological and non-technological opportunities and barriers. It targets policy and legislation makers and the different actors in the water sector.
Lead entity
VITO nv.
Lead Country
Partners countries
United Kingdom
Start end date
Time frame
2019 - 2022
NBS type
Type 2
Societal challenges
Health and Well-being & Air Quality
Ecosystem-based agricultural management