Alternative use of biomass for maintenance of grassland biodiversity and ecosystem services

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE12 BIO/LV/001130
The LIFE GRASSSERVICE project restored 122 ha of grasslands and established 14 agreements with grassland owners for their long-term management, to maintain grassland biodiversity and to potentially provide biomass resources for biofuel or other alternative uses. The project tested different technological solutions for the production of biogas and biobutanol, and constructed a mobile biogas production prototype that was used to demonstration the approach and to research technologies for biofuel production.
The project assessed grassland quality, the characteristics of grass biomass, and the economic value of grassland ecosystems in two project areas (Sigulda and Ludza municipalities) in Latvia. Assessments were carried out using field surveys, remote sensing methods, and existing data on biologically-valuable grasslands. They provided competent authorities and municipalities with results for planning, co-ordinating and supporting grassland management. Improved knowledge was gained about biomass resources and grassland restoration techniques. Co-operation networks were established to facilitate the long-term maintenance of grasslands and their biodiversity in the two areas, including the developed of registers of landowners and agriculture-related entrepreneurs. A web-based information exchange platform was also established in the two municipalities, for sharing information on leased agriculture land and land management services (722 user accounts in Sigulda and 804 in Ludza).
To test biofuel production potential, grass feedstocks were exposed to different physical-chemical processes and conditions for the production of biogas and biobutanol. These laboratory tests were conducted on raw grass, hay and silage samples, and optimal processing regimes were established. The results provided essential information for improving the design and construction of the biogas prototype and making adjustments to the existing biobutanol pilot facilities. Furthermore, the experience gained can be used to develop commercialised small-scale mobile biofuel production facilities, as well as industrial-scale plants. The project team constructed the biogas prototype with an innovative reactor design, which allowed biogas production with methane concentrations 13-15% higher than the biogas plants currently operating in Latvia using agricultural biomass feedstocks.
For selecting priority areas for grassland restoration, the project developed an innovative approach for Latvia. This involved delineating core areas of biologically-valuable grasslands, and connecting them by ecological corridors and stepping stones. Direct environmental benefits were achieved by restoring the 122 ha of abandoned grassland and removing shrub and tree overgrowth, and invasive plant species.
The project's dissemination actions effectively reaching targeted stakeholder groups, including around 250 stakeholders in Sigulda and around 350 stakeholders in Ludza municipalities. Two international seminars brought together 80 experts in grassland management and bioenergy production from several countries, while information events and visitors' days attracted many local stakeholders. Over 2 000 people, including entrepreneurs, municipality officials and researchers, were involved in project activities, significantly raising awareness on grassland ecosystem services.
By stimulating economically-viable grassland ecosystem management, the project promoted restoration and maintenance of several habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive (6120*; 6210; 6270*; 6410; 6450; 6510). The project contributed to the EC strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, by aiming to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy production mix, and is also relevant to other EU energy, climate change and transport policy.
Project activities have improved the aesthetic quality of the landscape in the Sigulda and Ludza municipalities to the benefit of citizens. In the long-term, new business (e.g. based around small-scale energy supply technologies) could provide local solutions for farms that do not use grass for livestock breeding.
Lead entity
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Natural and Climate Hazards
Ecological restoration
Rivers, Lakes and Ponds