Restoring the hydrological integrity of wetland habitats in Finland

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE16 NAT/FI/000583
Hydrology LIFE
The Hydrology LIFE project aims to:
* Improve the quality of peatland habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, by restoring peatlands and small water (headwater) systems in 103 Natura 2000 network sites;
* Improve water quality and flood control by filling in ditches and removing trees on peatlands, raising the water table on lakes, and restoring streams;
* Improve the quality of bird wetland habitats by increasing mosaic structure, with more open areas suitable for nesting and feeding; and
* Increase the awareness of wetlands and the Natura 2000 network by disseminating information through diverse media and by developing cooperation between restoration activities and forestry ditch network maintenance.
Expected results:
* Restoration plans (87) elaborated for 5 345 ha within 87 Natura 2000 network sites;
* Supplementary species inventories at 55 sites (500 ha), supplementary biotope inventories at 24 sites (2 214 ha), inventories for 13 streams, and cultural heritage inventories at five sites (5 ha);
* Five pilot sites and radar data used in ditch network maintenance for improving water quality in the catchment areas of Natura 2000 network sites;
* Preparatory training in bird wetland and stream restoration for nature conservation officers, and 10 training sessions for forestry planners and landowners on water management for improving Natura 2000 sites;
* 161 ha of new nature conservation areas at two sites;
* Peatland restored at 95 sites (5 239 ha), including in commercial forests (246 ha);
* Five volunteer camps organised;
* Trees removed from 1 321.5 ha to enable peatland restoration;
* Streams restored at 15 sites (34 km), water table on lakes raised at 14 sites (479 ha);
* Dredging done in four bird lakes increasing mosaic structure on 21 ha;
* Improved guidelines for peatland restoration and utilisation of new monitoring methods;
* Reports on water quality and vegetation 10-15 years after restoration, on effects of peatland restoration on protected bats, on bird lake restoration monitoring, and on socio-economic impacts and ecosystem functions after restoration;
* Training for journalists on wetland issues; and
* "Wetland venture learning" concept produced for nature centres.
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Water management
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Rivers, Lakes and Ponds