Creating A New Approach to Peatland Ecosystems

Funding programme
Project ID
Healthy peatlands help regulate global climate by actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere, but damaged peatlands increase emissions. CANAPE combines North Sea Region (NSR) local authorities, NGOs, academic bodies to address challenges manage sustainable, integrated peat landscapes that are resilient to climate change contribute to the reduction in global CO2 emissions. CANAPE willbring economic and environmental benefits in the NSR: reducing CO2 emissions, increasing flood resilience, developing new wetland products, restoring unique ecosystems improve management of peatlands to reduce their contribution to climate change, improve resilience to its effects. CANAPE develops ecosystems governance and generates scientifically proven results involve key stakeholders in a transnational approach to avoid duplication, multiply the number of methods tested in similar landscapes with differing conditions, pool expertise, evaluate on a significant scale, establishing best practice which can be replicated elsewhere, transfer the innovative new methods approaches to a wider range of NSR peatlands, increasing the environmental and economic benefits across NSRCANAPE is innovative in the holistic approach of the project to driving future environmental, economic social sustainability (tested science, new products, community engagement) and in its scale. It will result in resilient integrated systems and a sustainable, marketable future for peatland ecosystems.Indicator: Conservation Saving Achieved per hectare.
Target (Unit): 500 €/ha.
Definition: Saving that can be achieved by monetising products made from waste material produced from managing land on a conservation basis. This will initially be based on Compost and Paper. Indicator: Reduction in flood risk.
Target (Unit): 228600 Cubic meters of water per year.
Definition: Potential reduction in flood risk to improve climate resilience as a result of water level rise planned. Area x level of water increase Indicator: Profit per Hectare.
Target (Unit): 2089 €.
Definition: Profit that can be made from selling wetland agricultural products. This will initially be sphagnum Moss. Indicator: Carbon captured.
Target (Unit): 1640 Tons of CO2-eq/year.
Definition: Carbon captured and emissions reduced to contribute to lessening climate change.Indicator : Number of sites managed using new solutions supporting long-term sustainability ,
Target : 7 ,
Indicator : Number of enterprises participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects ,
Target : 38 ,
Indicator : Number of research institutions participating in cross-border, transnational or interregional research projects ,
Target : 22 ,
Indicator : Number of organizations/ enterprises adopting new solutions by project end ,
Target : 30 ,
Indicator : Number of organizations/ enterprises informed about new solutions by project end ,
Target : 428 ,
Lead entity
Broads Authority
Lead Country
United Kingdom
Partners countries
United Kingdom
Start end date
Time frame
2017 - 2022
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Climate Resilience
Natural and Climate Hazards
Ecosystem-based water management
Rivers, Lakes and Ponds