Management of slope water outflows in the catchment area of the communities Altheim, Passau and Tumeltsham

Funding programme
Project ID
The year 2016 was marked by many catastrophes as a result of floods caused by extreme precipitation. Fire brigades and emergency services were in constant use to eliminate the consequences of these disasters. What remains are millions of dollars worth of damage, the realization that the topic of "climate-induced" mountain floods is becoming ever more acute and that urgent steps need to be taken to be better able to deal with surface water floods in the future. The municipalities of Altheim and Tumeltsham, like the city of Passau, are regularly hit by extreme precipitation and have to cope with severe damage. In order to tackle the topic of surface water floods in these three municipalities and to increase the current low level of experience with regard to averting floods in the mountains, management plans for handling extreme precipitation are to be developed in the Interreg project for Altheim and Passau, focusing on developing green infrastructure in river basins, measures to improve habitat facilities and structure to promote a retention of water in the catchment area. Another focus will be on the construction of technical facilities for concentration, retention and the controlled discharge of slope water. Since there are only limited empirical values, the Interreg project will implement an existing waterfall protection concept in the municipality of Tumeltsham, which serves to protect the center, protect the infrastructure and protect residential buildings. Even if the project is implemented in a community far from the border, it promises a considerable gain of experience and essential knowledge for future protection projects. Ultimately, the Climate Alliance, with its wealth of experience in knowledge transfer as part of a cross-border information campaign, will help raise awareness among the public and decision-makers.
Lead entity
Amt der oberösterreichischen Landesregierung (kurz Land Oberösterreich)
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
Time frame
2017 - 2020
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Health and Well-being & Air Quality
Ecosystem-based water management
Urban Ecosystems