BioScape - improving Biodiversity in the landScape

Funding programme
Project ID
LIFE20 NAT/DK/000048
LIFE BioScape
LIFE BioScape has three overall project objectives:
* To restore and maintain three unique ecosystems and their services and to ensure their future preservation, by dealing with three of the largest threats for ESS: eutrophication of the aquatic environment, contamination of drinking water, and hydromorphological alteration of streams (causing, for example, hazardous flooding of populated areas);
* To construct green infrastructure linked to the three existing ecosystems, to improve and expand the conditions of threatened biodiversity and restore ESS, through the creation of nature connectivity; and
* To promote the implementation of GI in Denmark and the EU, by introducing new tools on multifunctional land consolidation as a means for improving biodiversity and ESS. Experiences will be shared within the EU through collaboration with relevant practitioners, agencies, associations and NGOs on the project results.
LIFE BioScape will contribute to the implementation of a variety of EU policy and legislation, including the biodiversity strategy to 2020, the Birds and Habitats directives, the Water Framework Directive, the EU’s strategy on adaptation to climate change, the biodiversity strategy for 2030, the EU Pollinators Initiative, and the Floods Directive.
Expected results:
* Almost 130 ha purchased or compensated for restrictions in land use: a total of 22 ha to be purchased and the remaining 105 ha to receive one-off compensation;
* Optimal hydrology restored on almost 80 ha (nearly 10 ha around Lake Byn, 20 ha on Endelave and 50 ha in Aastrup Fen) and a number of wader scrapes made;
* More than 1,500 m of watercourses restored through re-meandering and modification of the button profile;
* Grazing areas established on almost 260 ha (120 ha in Endelave and nearly 140 ha in Aastrup Fen);
* Reduced eutrophication in Lake Byn, and almost 3 ha of habitat restored for isoetid plants, including 100 specimens of the aquatic plant Subularia aquatica;
* Almost 3 500 tonnes of CO2/year captured;
* A handbook on mutual gains negotiation in multifunctional land consolidation (in English and Danish); and
* An e-learning course on nature management (in English and Danish).
Lead Country
Partners countries
Start end date
NBS type
Type 3
Societal challenges
Land Regeneration
Knowledge and Social Capacity building for Sustainable Transformation
Ecological restoration
Rivers, Lakes and Ponds