Nature-based solutions knowledge gaps database
Explore the nature-based knowledge gap analysis below to help identify future avenues for research. The knowledge gap database compiles an evidence base for nature-based solutions, to support defining research and innovation avenues, bolster policy and practitioners’ knowledge and knowledge-implementation. The database gathers 'gaps' collected through desk study and online consultations from August to October 2021.
Explore the knowledge gaps database

Database of EU research and innovation projects on nature-based solutions
This database gathers European R&I projects on NbS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes: BiodivERsA, Horizon 2020, Seventh framework programme (FP7), Interreg and LIFE (EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action) over the years 2011–2021.
Explore the research and innovation database

Nature-based Solutions Facts database
This database contains evidence-based information about the benefits, features, and outcomes associated with nature-based solutions (NbS) to address environmental, societal, and financial challenges. This database is currently a first prototype and will be further updated throughout the project.