Nature-based solutions knowledge gaps

The knowledge gap database compiles an evidence base for Nature-based Solutions, to support defining research and innovation avenues, and bolster policy and practitioners’ knowledge and knowledge-implementation. This database, first published in 2021 and updated in June 2024, aggregates knowledge gaps and research needs identified through extensive desk research, drawing from academic and non-academic sources. For a detailed explanation of the methodology and analysis behind the 2024 update, please refer to this NetworkNature report. For more context on the initial database see the NetworkNature report on practical, research, and innovation needs.

The updated database includes additional 619 gaps categorised into 32 broad topics and 11 types of approaches. This marks a significant expansion from the initial database, established in 2021, which contained 172 knowledge gaps. Covering gaps from 2017 to March 2024, this database will be continually updated throughout the duration of NetworkNature+.

Displaying 251 - 300 of 619
Gap description Origin of source Source Resource Broad topic Types of approaches
Research on conservation and protection should not be disconnected from research on climate related risks ; both should be jointly addressed. Desk Study Grey literature

SCAR SWG FOREST. (2021). European research priorities in the forest domain

  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
Several members highlight that the issue of climate change for forests entails enlarging the scope of forest research to deal with related sectors or ecosystems, mostly agriculture. Research on the potential of agroforestry techniques in the context of climate change is needed. Research on peatland forestry is also needed. Desk Study Grey literature

SCAR SWG FOREST. (2021). European research priorities in the forest domain

  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Ecosystem-based water management
A key knowledge gap is that current global climate models used for sea-level projections have a relatively low resolution and it is not clear how well they simulate sea-level changes along complex coastlines and/or on shallow shelf regions that border much of the western European coast. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
  • Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Key knowledge gaps on ocean acidification (OA) include how to predict the impacts of OA on highly complex coastal areas, different species, and ecosystem function and services; the interaction between OA and other stressors including eutrophication, warming and deoxygenation; genetic adaptation potential of organisms; and understanding the role of primary producers (e.g. algae, seagrass beds) in local protection against OA. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
There are critical knowledge gaps on the feasibility and potential benefits of large-scale seaward NbS for coastal protection. Site specific research on which coastal habitats and species provide protection under which conditions is a priority. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Effectiveness across socio-ecological contexts
  • Area-based conservation approaches
Coastal habitat conservation and restoration projects that measure carbon fluxes are important to enable the inclusion of coastal blue carbon ecosystems into national greenhouse gas inventories, however more research is needed. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Ecosystem-based mitigation
To ensure climate resilience we need to test new and scale-up known NbS. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Upscaling NBS
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
There is a need for multidisciplinary projects to measure, model and monitor the physical, ecological, and socio-economic positive and negative impacts of both landward and seaward NbS to understand the scientific, economic, social and governance enablers and barriers to their implementation. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Interdisciplinary studies and methodologies
  • Approaches and governance systems for implementation
  • Impact assessment
In contrast to the landward NbS, the use of seaward NbS for coastal protection is relatively unexplored in terms of practice and planning, although the ability of coastal ecosystems such as kelp forests, seagrass meadows, offshore reefs and mussel beds to reduce current velocities and dampen waves has been well documented. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Area-based conservation approaches
Another potentially promising NbS that needs more research is the use of low- and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, which is required to enable a shift to sustainable food production from the sea. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Ecosystem-based fisheries management
Establish integrated, transdisciplinary research on CSESs {Coastal Socio-Ecological Systems} through engagement with local stakeholders to address knowledge gaps on single pressure and site-specific multiple and cumulative pressure-response relationships, including characterisation and consequences of crossing social-ecological tipping points. This will require coherence between research communities at the land-sea interface and a better understanding of how to effectively implement transdisciplinary research. Increased collaboration is also required between stakeholders so that state-of-the-art knowledge and technology is used in local-scale projects. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Interdisciplinary studies and methodologies
  • Effectiveness across socio-ecological contexts
Develop and operationalise standardised coastal resilience indicators for Europe to identify where threats to resilience and deviations from resilient pathways are occurring. Improved knowledge of resilience properties, including robust, integrated ecological and social tipping points, will help to develop and interpret resilience indicators. This will ensure intrinsic resilience of CSESs {Coastal Socio-Ecological Systems} to be better prepared for extreme events and to reduce uncertainty. The development of a pan-European framework is needed to operationalise resilience indicators, develop methodologies to measure and monitor resilience over time, and to improve clarity and standardisation. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Monitoring tools
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Develop sufficient observational, monitoring and data capacity to inform decision making to build the resilience of CSESs {Coastal Socio-Ecological Systems} in the face of future climate change and biodiversity loss. Coastal data from different observation systems need to be integrated into a unified interdisciplinary platform. Data services should be expanded to allow integration of environmental and social datasets that will streamline management practices across disciplines and should be linked to coastal resilience indicators. Investment in Big Data and artificial intelligence technologies will help to deal with large, diverse and disparate datasets spanning multiple disciplines. Monitoring efforts should be increased to address the ecological and socio-economic impacts of multiple and synergistic coastal pressures, and to link trends in habitat condition with management interventions. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Monitoring tools
  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Interdisciplinary studies and methodologies
Improve predictive capacity to forecast and develop future scenarios on the magnitude, timing, location and impact of multiple and cumulative pressures on CSESs {Coastal Socio-Ecological Systems}. This includes using machine learning, data mining and ensemble models to develop short- (<10 years), mid- (10-100 years) and long-term (>100 years) forecasts of CSES responses to climate change and other pressures, and methods to elucidate ecosystem dynamics, alternative states and potential tipping points. Coastal processes must be fully represented in ecosystem models, and network models should be used to link multiple stressors to policy options. Global to local climate change projections must be improved to translate global climate change impacts into local challenges. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Monitoring tools
Invest in research on nature-based and hybrid solutions to build coastal resilience, and identify their environmental and socioeconomic co-benefits, site-specific feasibility and impacts of various combinations of seaward, landward and hybrid solutions. Scientific and socio-economic barriers and enablers to their implementation should be identified. Desk Study Grey literature

Villasante, S., Richter, K., Bailey, J., Blenckner, T., Farrell, E., Mongruel, R., Timmermann, K., Bouma, T., Melaku Canu, D., Chen, M., Lachs, L., Payo, A., Sousa Pinto, I. (2023) Building Coastal Resilience in Europe. Alexander, B., Muñiz Piniella, A., Kellett, P., Rodriguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J., Bayo Ruiz, F., Heymans, J. J. [Eds.] Position Paper N°. 27 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 126pp. ISSN: 0167-9309. ISBN: 9789464206197. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8224055

  • Effectiveness of hybrid solutions
  • Impact assessment
  • Socio-economic benefits
Fund further research to reduce uncertainties about the amount of carbon removed and stored by Blue Carbon ecosystems. This is essential to maintain reliable, sciencebased crediting and offsetting systems. It requires guidelines on how to measure the various processes involving the import and export of carbon, uptake and release of greenhouse gases, and socio-economic factors that all occur at local scale. This also needs to be placed in the context of climate change, as rising temperature, sea level, and changes in precipitation may impact the plant and microbial diversity in Blue Carbon ecosystems, directly affecting the balance between carbon uptake and storage, and carbon release. Desk Study Grey literature

European Marine Board. (2023). Blue Carbon. Challenges and opportunities to mitigate climate and biodiversity crises

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Performance and characteristics of plants
  • Ecosystem-based mitigation
Fund research to quantify the possible production of methane and nitrous oxide that might arise from coastal restoration efforts over the long term, and the impact that this might have on greenhouse gas emissions. Although technically challenging, greenhouse gas measurements need to be made before, during and after restoration, and over the longer-term post restoration, to ensure that these coastal Blue Carbon ecosystems do not become net greenhouse gas sources. Desk Study Grey literature

European Marine Board. (2023). Blue Carbon. Challenges and opportunities to mitigate climate and biodiversity crises

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Effectiveness at different time scales
  • Negative impacts
  • Ecological restoration
Absence of a widely established holistic framework for the assessment of NBS impacts. NBS impacts need to be considered within a wider context of climate, social, demographic, and economic trends and patterns. Interdisciplinary, mixed-method research designs can balance the need for qualitative and quantitative assessment of NBS impacts. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • Impact assessment
  • Interdisciplinary studies and methodologies
Absolute lack of data on real maintenance costs. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Cost/benefit evaluations
  • Impact assessment
Lack of evidence regarding the quantitative benefits of NBS. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Cost/benefit evaluations
Lack of knowledge regarding the impacts of NBS on health and wellbeing. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Impacts for health and well-being
Insufficient or in most cases absent follow-up monitoring of implemented NBS impeding the evaluation of NBS effectiveness. This knowledge gap is greatly due to the absence of a widely established holistic framework for the assessment of NBS impacts across a range of climate resilience challenges and at different geographic scales. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Monitoring tools
  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
Uncertainty about temporal evolution and long-term effects of NBS. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Effectiveness at different time scales
Interdisciplinary methods and research designs to monitor synergies and trade-offs within and across challenges. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
  • Interdisciplinary studies and methodologies
Research and practice of NBS impact assessment is still in its infancy, therefore, there are many knowledge gaps and priorities to be identified for future actions. The issue of monitoring the different scales of NBS impacts in both spatial and temporal dimensions is an important direction for future research. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • Effectiveness at different time scales
  • Monitoring tools
Moreover, the methodologies and datasets used in the literature to model NBS impacts in many cases need further investigation regarding their consistency, quality, and accuracy. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
Moreover, there is a lack of deep understanding among key actors, and a deficiency of skills and experience in various levels of NBS project development. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Awareness and capacity building
Many struggle to articulate the multiple benefits of NBS in financial terms; this is a challenge due to limited or restricted data, limited research regarding quantified benefits, and a lack of coordinated knowledge transfer. Desk Study Grey literature

Somarakis, G., Stagakis, S., & Chrysoulakis, N. (Eds.). (2019).
Thinknature Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature
project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation

  • Cost/benefit evaluations
  • Awareness and capacity building
Significant gaps still exist regarding NBS effectiveness and impact towards adaptation, not least to understand ecological characteristics that could mitigate the effects of extreme events and climate change. Desk Study Grey literature

Urban agenda for the EU. (2020). Sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions partnership.…

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
Another gap concerning the assessment of their long-term effectiveness under climate change scenarios is also prevalent. This last point should be particularly focused on as it can help understand the conditions these solutions will face and will have to perform under. Desk Study Grey literature

Urban agenda for the EU. (2020). Sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions partnership.…

  • Effectiveness at different time scales
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
There is a need to develop coordinated monitoring indicators across Member States to measure progress and better understand and value the co-benefits of NBS in adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Desk Study Grey literature

Urban agenda for the EU. (2020). Sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions partnership.…

  • Monitoring tools
  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Valuation tools
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
The notion of thresholds is a significant knowledge gap that needs to be addressed to understand and determine tipping-points beyond which systems fail. In relation to point ii, these factors are needed for understanding and respecting the carrying/assimilation ability or tolerance boundaries of the concerned systems. Such knowledge is essential for avoiding inaccurate design and subsequent implementation that may lead to maladaptation. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Negative impacts
In terms of ecosystems and ecosystem services: the concept [of NbaS] is presented in a very anthropocentric way, often overlooking the value of nature within and constraining it to a monetary instrument instead. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Valuation tools
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
The lack of systematic quantification of ecosystem service benefits for NbS for climate change [NbaS and NbS for climate change mitigation] is prevalent. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based mitigation
A solid understanding of nature’s and systems’ complexity is needed to unlock the full potential of these solutions and for upscaling them. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
  • Upscaling NBS
The absence of acceptable thresholds to consider the solution as a success. This point stems from the fact that adaptation is often challenged by the absence of decisive metrics. In its own respects, measuring adaptation is another uncertainty barrier to overcome. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
Accordingly, there is a need to develop a solid database on the climatic benefits of different solutions for properly mainstreaming NbaS and NbaS for DRR {Disaster Risk Reduction}. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
A systematic approach to understand how the different systems, i.e. ecosystem-NbS-NbaS, interact with and influence each other is still limited. Hence the need to provide a more inclusive and holistic evaluation framework for properly understanding combined benefits, co-benefits and disservices. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
  • Negative impacts
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
Significant efforts are needed for the assessment of large scale NbS-NbaS (i.e. mountain ranges, basins, cityscapes, etc), watershed scale NbS-NbaS and hybrid structures that contain both small and large NbS. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Effectiveness of hybrid solutions
  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
Making the value of NbS-NbaS explicit and measurable (in monetary and non-monetary terms) as the full value of these solutions is still underappreciated. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Valuation tools
  • Communication
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
Developing and ensuring the uptake of tools that are able to account for the plurality of NbS-NbaS performances. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
As NbaS primarily target DRR {Disaster Risk Reduction} and CCA {Climate Change Adaptation}, their effect on the reduction of hazards, vulnerabilities, risks, and damages needs to be better defined and assessed. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Risks from slow-onset events
  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • Ecosystem-based mitigation
Reporting further on uncertainties, whether those related to the solutions or to climate change, and quantifying them. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Risks from slow-onset events
The relative absence of the agricultural and natural media amply calls for more research in these realms. Although addressed, the mountainous and forested ecosystems fall short behind the urban environment that dominates French NbaS literature. In this regard, there is a need to develop more knowledge on NbaS from non-urban media. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
  • Communication
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
More biophysical assessments of NbaS efficiency should be envisaged as the presented evidences as scarce. In the same vein, the development of indicators capable of accounting for the interconnectivity and interactions between the different components of the ecosystem (including the NbaS) is needed. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
To overcome these barriers, the introduction of hard sciences is needed to reduce the current oversimplification of the concept. For this purpose, significant research efforts are required along with long term visions of resilience (particularly for climate change), instead of short-term research on quality. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
  • Effectiveness at different time scales
First, the relationship between nature and cities is inversely proportional for its most part. Research need: In this regard, there is a need to clearly define all aspects of the city-nature relationship and determine how the trade-offs between these two different ecosystems can be balanced in terms of service provision and delivery, as well as to understand the negative feedback loops and counteract them. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
  • Negative impacts
  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
In terms of research needs, these solutions as well as the marine realm require more studies. In contrast to land-based habitats, the focus on marine habitats and their restoration is still juvenile and long-term success stories are still limited. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
  • Ecological restoration
In terms of marine protected areas, the narrow focus on marine environments can also be a reason for the relative absence of protected areas. On these bases, significant efforts are needed to leverage the use of protected areas (both terrestrial and aquatic) as NbS-NbaS, and to define relevant knowledge and research needs. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Protected area management
  • Knowledge base
  • Area-based conservation approaches
As can be noticed in the topics and scopes of projects, the agricultural medium as an ecosystem of interest is absent. Many projects target agriculture in some related pilot sites, however not as a primary focus. The absence of the agricultural sector as a biome of interest is a significant element to consider given the importance of the latter for food security and the sustainability of humans and ecosystems. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
  • Ecosystem-based agricultural management