Nature-based solutions knowledge gaps

The knowledge gap database compiles an evidence base for Nature-based Solutions, to support defining research and innovation avenues, and bolster policy and practitioners’ knowledge and knowledge-implementation. This database, first published in 2021 and updated in June 2024, aggregates knowledge gaps and research needs identified through extensive desk research, drawing from academic and non-academic sources. For a detailed explanation of the methodology and analysis behind the 2024 update, please refer to this NetworkNature report. For more context on the initial database see the NetworkNature report on practical, research, and innovation needs.

The updated database includes additional 619 gaps categorised into 32 broad topics and 11 types of approaches. This marks a significant expansion from the initial database, established in 2021, which contained 172 knowledge gaps. Covering gaps from 2017 to March 2024, this database will be continually updated throughout the duration of NetworkNature+.

Displaying 301 - 350 of 619
Gap description Origin of source Source Resource Broad topic Types of approaches
Regardless of the type of solution, soil hydrology needs to be better investigated for designing adequate solutions. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
There is a need to develop a solid database on the climatic benefits of different solutions for properly mainstreaming NbaS and NbaS for DRR {Disaster Risk reduction}. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Communication
  • Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
However, to the knowledge of the Authors, measuring the climatic connectivity effect of NbaS is still an untapped domain. To this end, the combined effect of different NbS-NbaS in a specific location is also rarely studied. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
However, a solid base on NbS evidence is still lacking in scientific literature. NbaS also still lack well established proof of their effectiveness for CCA {Climate Change Adaptation}/CCM {Climate Change Mitigation}, especially in relation to the achievement of their set targets. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Direct and indirect benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
  • Ecosystem-based mitigation
The absence of unequivocal and measurable metric(s)-indicator(s) hampers the conversion of adaptation goals into quantifiable targets or baselines. This challenge is particularly amplified in the case of global adaptation approaches. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
Understanding the state of the ocean is crucial for having clear insights on the evolution of climate change and earth system dynamics. The data gap concerning deep oceans are considerable and this lack of knowledge has serious implications on the advance of climate studies and research. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Knowledge base
While NbS and NbaS are based on ecosystems and their functions, the latters are complex and require significant ecological-technical knowledge that is still lacking. Desk Study Grey literature

Al Sayah, M., Versini, P.-A., Schertzer, D., 2022. Projet ARTISAN Action A2 - Etat des lieux des besoins de connaissance pour la généralisation des SaFN - Inventaire des connaissances actuelles et des besoins de recherche. Champs-sur-Marne. HM&Co- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech et OFB, p.193

  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
Yet, increasing public and/or private finance emerges as a key challenge for upscaling urban NBS. To overcome this barrier, there is an urgent need to expand knowledge and awareness about NBS functioning, about the way benefits are generated and are distributed, about possible legal, governance and business models and about financial resources or investments into NBS. Desk Study Institutional publication

Breil, M., Castellani, C. Keestra S., Zimmer, D., Nieminen, H., Trozzo, C. & Galluccio, G. Economic enabling conditions for scaling of Nature Based Solutions. ETC CA Technical Paper published 2023 via European Topic Centre on Climate change adaptation and LULUCF, (ETC CA)

  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Business and private sector integration
  • Upscaling NBS
Barriers to an extension of investments in NBS are seen, inter alia, in the lack of basic knowledge about the effectiveness on NBS compared to well-known traditional, grey adaptation measures. Desk Study Institutional publication

Breil, M., Castellani, C. Keestra S., Zimmer, D., Nieminen, H., Trozzo, C. & Galluccio, G. Economic enabling conditions for scaling of Nature Based Solutions. ETC CA Technical Paper published 2023 via European Topic Centre on Climate change adaptation and LULUCF, (ETC CA)

  • Effectiveness compared to conventional approaches
  • Effectiveness of hybrid solutions
  • Ecosystem-based adaptation
A further gap to make clear cases for public or private investments is identified in the lack of assessment tools which are able to integrate different market and non-market benefits. Desk Study Institutional publication

Breil, M., Castellani, C. Keestra S., Zimmer, D., Nieminen, H., Trozzo, C. & Galluccio, G. Economic enabling conditions for scaling of Nature Based Solutions. ETC CA Technical Paper published 2023 via European Topic Centre on Climate change adaptation and LULUCF, (ETC CA)

  • Methodologies and tools for systematic evaluation
  • Business and private sector integration
The lack of standardization of NBS is a further barrier for the assessments cost-efficiency of NBS investments. Desk Study Institutional publication

Breil, M., Castellani, C. Keestra S., Zimmer, D., Nieminen, H., Trozzo, C. & Galluccio, G. Economic enabling conditions for scaling of Nature Based Solutions. ETC CA Technical Paper published 2023 via European Topic Centre on Climate change adaptation and LULUCF, (ETC CA)

  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Cost/benefit evaluations
A good data basis is a prerequisite for improving the status of our ecosystems and conserving biodiversity as the climate crisis progresses. Often, however, there is a lack of state-of-the-art equipment, data in the necessary quality and quantity and statistical-mathematical processes for identifying correlations in the data and using them for projections. Desk Study Institutional publication

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) (2023) Federal Action Plan on Nature-based Solutions for Climate and Biodiversity

  • Knowledge base
  • Monitoring tools
Documenting key data gaps and ensuring alignment to the developing policy context. Desk Study Grey literature

ILO, UNEP and IUCN. 2022. Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions 2022. Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

  • Knowledge base
  • Communication
  • Planning and policy frameworks
Effort is needed to integrate knowledge of NbS options into the long-term business planning practices of each sector. Desk Study Grey literature

Bérczi-Siket A., Blackstock K., Carmen E., Ebeltoft M., Gruber T., Hernandez Herrero E., Hougee M., Ibrahim A., le Clech S., Lopez-Gunn E., Manzon V., Nauta S., Nyírő F., Pokrajac S., Saliasi V., Samu A., Vion Loisel A. and Vítková J., 2023. Mainstreaming aquatic restoration using Nature-based Solutions. EU H2020 research and innovation project MERLIN deliverable 4.1. 63 pp.

  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Business and private sector integration
The protection of rural and urban biodiversity is also a topic to address. Desk Study Grey literature

SCAR SWG FOREST. (2021). European research priorities in the forest domain

  • Awareness and capacity building
Lack of initial data for proper project planning. Desk Study Institutional publication

Sandin, L., Seifert-Dähnn, I., Furuseth, I.S., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Zak, D., Alkan Olsson, J., Hanson, H., Sadat Nickayin, S., Wilke, M., Koivula, M., Rastas, M., Enge, C., Øie Kvile, K., Lorentzi Wall, L., Hoffmann, C.C. and Þrastardóttir, R. (2022). Working with Nature-Based Solutions. Synthesis and mapping of status in the Nordics. Nordic Council of Ministers. Denmark: Copenhagen.

  • Knowledge base
  • Planning and policy frameworks
The critical importance of traditional knowledge, the knowledge of indigenous peoples and local knowledge systems is often recognized; however, the challenge of ensuring that the planning and implementation of adaptation initiatives are informed or driven by these diverse knowledge systems remains. This knowledge must be considered as part of a nested knowledge system integrating information, practices and worldviews that cover local natural resource management, governance, social norms, spiritual beliefs and experience of marginalization. Desk Study Grey literature

UNFCCC (2021) Scoping paper on knowledge gaps in integrating forest and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies. 100 pp. Bonn.

  • Approaches and governance systems for implementation
  • Knowledge base
  • Planning and policy frameworks
Water management: R&D and large-scale pilot projects to provide evidence of effectiveness. Desk Study Institutional publication

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, (2022). The vital role of nature-based solutions in a nature positive economy, Publications Office of the European Union.

  • Cost/benefit evaluations
  • Ecosystem-based water management
Difficulties in NBS tendering process (e.g. lack of knowledge on how to present a convincing business case for NBS, lack of track record, lack of (experienced) suppliers, path dependency favouring engineered solutions). Desk Study Institutional publication

EEA. (2023). Scaling nature-based solutions for climate resilience and nature restoration.

  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Business and private sector integration
Land use conflicts and other social, cultural and political barriers to the implementation of NbS are barely taken into account. Desk Study Institutional publication

Judith Reise, Anne Siemons, Hannes Böttcher, Anke Herold, Cristina Urrutia, Lambert Schneider, Ewa Iwaszuk, Hugh McDonald, Ana Frelih-Larsen, Laurens Duin, McKenna Davis 2022: Nature-Based Solutions and Global Climate Protection. Assessment of their global mitigation potential and recommendations for international climate policy. Climate Change 01/2022. German Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau.

  • Approaches and governance systems for implementation
  • Effectiveness across socio-ecological contexts
  • Social cohesion and environmental justice
Linking and coordinating the collection and organization of data at different scales from project to national scale. Desk Study Grey literature

ILO, UNEP and IUCN. 2022. Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions 2022. Geneva. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
The practice with the least amount of evidence is that of agroforestry including insects and fish (entomoforestry and aqua-silvo-fishery). Desk Study Scientific literature

Castle, S.E., Miller, D.C., Merten, N. et al. Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map. Environ Evid 11, 10 (2022).

  • Knowledge base
  • Ecosystem-based water management
In summary, many researchers have just reviewed the status of RCs {Resilient Cities}, and attempted to identify its present development characteristics. These reviews, however, are unable to evaluate every publication in the field and unable to predict future directions for sustainable development of RCs. Desk Study Scientific literature

Aqib Zahoor, Tao Xu, Miao Wang, Muhammad Dawood, Sandylove Afrane, Ying Li, Jian Lin Chen, Guozhu Mao. (2023). Natural and artificial green infrastructure (GI) for sustainable resilient cities: A scientometric analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 101, 107139, ISSN 0195-9255,

  • Knowledge base
  • Blue & Green infrastructure
The current study offers viewpoints that can direct future research proposals on green infrastructure for RCs {Resilient Cities}; more specifically, it suggests a more in-depth analysis of RCs and GI {Green Infrastructure}, especially in advanced economies that support adopting sustainable development practices in developing countries. Desk Study Scientific literature

Aqib Zahoor, Tao Xu, Miao Wang, Muhammad Dawood, Sandylove Afrane, Ying Li, Jian Lin Chen, Guozhu Mao. (2023). Natural and artificial green infrastructure (GI) for sustainable resilient cities: A scientometric analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Volume 101, 107139, ISSN 0195-9255,

  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
  • Blue & Green infrastructure
Another emerging research frontier is the application of theoretical frameworks adapted from criminological disciplines to understand and measure non-compliance in MPAs {Marine Protected Areas}. Desk Study Scientific literature

Josephine C. Iacarella, Georgia Clyde, Brock J. Bergseth, Natalie C. Ban, A synthesis of the prevalence and drivers of non-compliance in marine protected areas, Biological Conservation, Volume 255, 2021, 108992, ISSN 0006-3207, (

  • Protected area management
  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Area-based conservation approaches
It has also highlighted that more research is needed to (a) breed crops for multi-cropping systems; (b) improve understanding of how components of diversity interact within or across systems and scales; (c) understand the role of soil biodiversity in soil function; and (d) successfully use C-AB to naturally manage pests with beneficial insects. This suggests that calls for a radical transformation of food systems through diversification are misplaced. Desk Study Scientific literature

Lenné, J. (2023). Current agricultural diversification strategies are already agroecological. Outlook on Agriculture, 52(3), 273-280.

  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Ecosystem-based agricultural management
It was evident that BGI {Blue-Green Infrastructure} research exhibits geographical variations, wherein an observation can be made regarding the relatively fewer studies conducted on themes related to provisioning services compared to regulatory and cultural services. Desk Study Scientific literature

Aman Gupta, Bhaskar De; A systematic review on urban blue-green infrastructure in the south Asian region: recent advancements, applications, and challenges. Water Sci Technol 15 January 2024; 89 (2): 382–403. doi:

  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Blue & Green infrastructure
The second least researched category of practices is agrosilvopastoral, which we expect may be more prevalent in the world and may be more deserving of further investigation. Desk Study Scientific literature

Castle, S.E., Miller, D.C., Merten, N. et al. Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map. Environ Evid 11, 10 (2022).

  • Knowledge base
  • Ecosystem-based water management
The focus of the limited research on farmer capacity development for agroforestry practices in HICs {High Income Countries} tended to only consider adoption as an outcome, which was not included in this map. This SM {Systematic Map} suggests that there is a crucial need to improve the evidence base on this topic, particularly with respect to specific policy interventions. Desk Study Scientific literature

Castle, S.E., Miller, D.C., Merten, N. et al. Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map. Environ Evid 11, 10 (2022).

  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Ecosystem-based water management
In terms of policy intervention outcomes, regulation and maintenance ecosystem services were generally well-studied, with significantly less work studying the impacts of agroforestry policy interventions on human well-being outcomes. Desk Study Scientific literature

Castle, S.E., Miller, D.C., Merten, N. et al. Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map. Environ Evid 11, 10 (2022).

  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Impacts for health and well-being
  • Ecosystem-based water management
We found a lack of studies on several types of practices and outcomes. On the outcomes, there is a lack of studies on the human well-being impacts of agroforestry. While agroforestry is promoted for many social and environmental services, the literature strongly focuses on the environmental outcomes. Desk Study Scientific literature

Castle, S.E., Miller, D.C., Merten, N. et al. Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map. Environ Evid 11, 10 (2022).

  • Impacts for health and well-being
  • Socio-economic benefits
  • Impact assessment
  • Ecosystem-based water management
One limitation of the evidence on ecosystem service outcomes is that much of the literature focuses on onfarm and local impacts of agroforestry practice, with few studies considering the effects of agroforestry at the landscape scale (both the impacts of an agroforestry-based landscape and the impacts of agroforestry practices across the landscape). Desk Study Scientific literature

Castle, S.E., Miller, D.C., Merten, N. et al. Evidence for the impacts of agroforestry on ecosystem services and human well-being in high-income countries: a systematic map. Environ Evid 11, 10 (2022).

  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • NbS interaction at the landscape scale
  • Ecosystem-based water management
Despite this revelation, we lack sufficient mechanistic understanding of exactly how and when biodiversity generates the ecosystem services that support sustainable urban systems. Desk Study Scientific literature

Jocelyn E Behm, Nadège Bélouard, Jason M Gleditsch, Payton M Phillips, Timothy M Swartz, Trait-based approaches for understanding how biodiversity generates sustainable benefits in urban vegetated green infrastructure, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 57, 2022, 101204, ISSN 1877-3435,

  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Blue & Green infrastructure
While some community members acknowledge the connection between climate change and increasing UHI {Urban Heat Islands} effects and perceive GI {Green Infrastructure} as a critical UHI mitigation technique, a public knowledge gap definitely exists regarding the connections between climate change, UHI, and GI. Desk Study Scientific literature

Meenar, Mahbubur & Rahman, Md & Russack, Jason & Bauer, Sarah & Kapri, Kul. (2023). “The Urban Poor and Vulnerable Are Hit Hardest by the Heat”: A Heat Equity Lens to Understand Community Perceptions of Climate Change, Urban Heat Islands, and Green Infrastructure. Land. 12. 2174. 10.3390/land12122174.

  • Communication
  • Awareness and capacity building
  • Blue & Green infrastructure
Summarily, the nascent research in CLC {Continuous Living Cover} transition intermediaries indicates the need to bring more concerted attention to the practice and politics of transition intermediaries in future research, which finds great familiarity with agroecology’s framework of science, practice, and politics. Desk Study Scientific literature

Conway, Tara. (2023). An agroecological turn in intermediating sustainability transitions with continuous living cover. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7. 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1009195.

  • Approaches and governance systems for implementation
  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Ecosystem-based agricultural management
There is still a long way to research the unequal socioecological exchanges from a socio-metabolic, socioeconomic, and gender integrated approach. Desk Study Scientific literature

María José LaRota-Aguilera, Olga Lucía Delgadillo-Vargas, Enric Tello, Sociometabolic research in Latin America: A review on advances and knowledge gaps in agroecological trends and rural perspectives, Ecological Economics, Volume 193, 2022, 107310, ISSN 0921-8009,

  • Social cohesion and environmental justice
  • Socio-economic benefits
  • Ecosystem-based agricultural management
Finally, we also note a lack of equity focus in the literature, both for intervention and practice studies. Given the focus on ecosystem service and productivity outcomes for the practice studies, this is an expected finding. Future impact evaluation studies should incorporate consideration of equity in their design and analyses of effects on human well‐being outcomes. Desk Study Scientific literature

Miller, Daniel & Ordonez, Pablo & Castle, Sarah & Forrest, Samantha & Nava, Noé & Hughes, Karl & Baylis, Kathy. (2019). The impacts of agroforestry on agricultural productivity, ecosystem services, and human well‐being in low‐and middle‐income countries: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews. 16. 10.1002/cl2.1066.

  • Social cohesion and environmental justice
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Impact assessment
  • Ecosystem-based water management
Along with a set of indicators and assessment methods to monitor and evaluate the multi-dimensional, cross-temporal/geographical effectiveness of NBS projects, knowledge gaps and future research and practice directions are summarized, including: (1) international/national legislation; (2) multi-stakeholder international networks to facilitate participatory planning and governance and NBS transferability; and (3) legal, policy and financial instruments to promote NBS uptake. Desk Study Scientific literature

Clive Davies, Wendy Y. Chen, Giovanni Sanesi, Raffaele Lafortezza, The European Union roadmap for implementing nature-based solutions: A review, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 121, 2021, Pages 49-67, ISSN 1462-9011,

  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Approaches and governance systems for implementation
Understanding how nature becomes a solution and for whom influences the development of just nature-based solutions. Addressing contestations and inequalities through greening projects will be central for developing and achieving justice through NBS. Desk Study Scientific literature

Cousins, Joshua. (2020). Justice in nature-based solutions: Research and pathways. Ecological Economics. 180. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106874.

  • Social cohesion and environmental justice
  • Valuation tools
Inserting NBS within an agenda of social and ecological transformation, which frames vulnerabilities and environmental inequities as the outcome of multi-scalar social, political, and economic processes, will require experimental spaces that bring together different forms of knowledge and expertise in novel ways. Desk Study Scientific literature

Cousins, Joshua. (2020). Justice in nature-based solutions: Research and pathways. Ecological Economics. 180. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106874.

  • Social cohesion and environmental justice
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Planning and policy frameworks
Future studies could investigate political (dis)incentives on land-use decisions such as payments for ecosystem services and penalties for disservices, and land degradation effects. Desk Study Scientific literature

Reith, Esther & Gosling, Elizabeth & Knoke, Thomas & Paul, Carola. (2022). Exploring trade-offs in agro-ecological landscapes: Using a multi-objective land-use allocation model to support agroforestry research. Basic and Applied Ecology. 64. 10.1016/j.baae.2022.08.002.

  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Effectiveness across socio-ecological contexts
  • Ecosystem-based water management
The complex interaction mechanisms and drivers between ESs {Ecosystem Services} and SDGs {Sustainable Development Goals} deserve attention in future studies. Desk Study Scientific literature

Yuanxin Liu, Yihe Lü, Bojie Fu, Xiao Zhang, Landscape pattern and ecosystem services are critical for protected areas' contributions to sustainable development goals at regional scale, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 881, 2023, 163535, ISSN 0048-9697,

  • Synergies and trade-offs between goals
However, more studies are required on GI {Green Infrastructure} using broader academic search databases or combinations of statistical methods. Desk Study Scientific literature

Shao H, Kim G, Li Q, Newman G. Web of Science-Based Green Infrastructure: A Bibliometric Analysis in CiteSpace. Land. 2021; 10(7):711.

  • Knowledge base
  • Blue & Green infrastructure
Despite a growing literature on human threats within PAs {Protected Areas}, important knowledge gaps remain regarding the relationships between threats. Consequently, we still have limited knowledge about the relationships between multiple human threats and their co-occurrence patterns within PAs. Indeed, to date, we are not aware of any studies that investigated the associations between human threats co-occurring within PAs on a large scale. Desk Study Scientific literature

Martini, F., Kounnamas, C., Goodale, E. et al. Examining the co-occurrences of human threats within terrestrial protected areas. Ambio 53, 592–603 (2024).

  • Protected area management
  • Impact assessment
  • Area-based conservation approaches
Local adaption and control of a system’s approach embracing management of interactions among components rather than focusing only on specific technologies is not clearly understood. Desk Study Scientific literature

Costin, Lianu & Simion, Violeta & Urdes, Laura & Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Rocsana & Radulescu, Irina & Lianu, Cosmin. (2023). Agroecological Approaches in the Context of Innovation Hubs. Sustainability. 15. 4335. 10.3390/su15054335.

  • Effectiveness compared to conventional approaches
However, future studies are needed to further understand the effect of single and mixed
plant types on soil C and N dynamics across multiple ecosystems as well as agroforestry system other than homesteads (e.g., cropland, silvopasture or agri-silviculture) considering other regions, countries and broad climate gradient.
Desk Study Scientific literature

Jaman, Md. Shahariar & Muraina, Taofeek & Dam, Quockhanh & Zhang, Xiang & Jamil, Mahbuba & Bhattarai, Sushma & Islam, Ferzana. (2021). Effects of single and mixed plant types on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in homestead agroforestry systems in Northern Bangladesh. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 315. 1-11. 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107434.

  • Performance and characteristics of plants
  • Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • Ecosystem-based agricultural management
Farmer-initiated “Type One agroforestry” has been underreported in scientific literature and is only documented in a few field investigations. Considerable knowledge gaps remain due to the failure to recognize species used in a particular region that are not acknowledged elsewhere. "For “Type Two agroforestry”, species selection is often based on a blend of predictive models, nature-mimicking techniques, and local experience and indigenous knowledge. Most agroforestry publications lack the necessary data to facilitate species exchange, and frequently the reasoning behind species selection is unclear." Desk Study Scientific literature

Zhang W, Su K, Wang Q, Yang L, Sun W, Ranjitkar S, Shen L, Kindt R, Ji Y, Marshall P, et al. Agroforestry Species Selection for Forest Rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Meta-Analysis on High-Level Taxonomy. Forests. 2023; 14(10):2045.

  • Performance and characteristics of plants
  • Effectiveness at different geographical scales
  • Ecosystem-based water management
Additional research is needed to provide scientific guidelines for policymaking, which may include specific techniques and/or species recommendations for agroforestry. To make agroforestry more effective, there needs to be a strong connection between the science of agroforestry and how it is incorporated into public policy to effect positive social and environmental gains. Desk Study Scientific literature

Zhang W, Su K, Wang Q, Yang L, Sun W, Ranjitkar S, Shen L, Kindt R, Ji Y, Marshall P, et al. Agroforestry Species Selection for Forest Rehabilitation in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Meta-Analysis on High-Level Taxonomy. Forests. 2023; 14(10):2045.

  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Planning and policy frameworks
  • Impact assessment
  • Ecosystem-based water management
Whereas previous studies have identified the bias in PAs {Protected Areas} for terrestrial vertebrates, the implications for freshwater biodiversity have yet to be thoroughly discussed. Understanding these implications would shed light on where and how new PAs should be established in the coming decade. Desk Study Scientific literature

Miqueleiz, I., Ariño, A.H. & Miranda, R. (2023). Spatial priorities for freshwater fish conservation in relation to protected areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 33(10), 1028–1038.

  • Protected area management
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Biodiversity benefits
  • Area-based conservation approaches
This supports the findings of Goodman and Minner (2019), who suggested that there is currently a lack of knowledge about indoor agriculture, particularly information that can assist policymakers to understand the social, economic, and environmental benefits. Desk Study Scientific literature

D.L. Evans, N. Falagán, C.A. Hardman, S. Kourmpetli, L. Liu, B.R. Mead, J.A.C. Davies, Ecosystem service delivery by urban agriculture and green infrastructure – a systematic review, Ecosystem Services, Volume 54, 2022, 101405, ISSN 2212-0416,

  • Knowledge base
  • Technical references, design standards and guidelines
  • Impact assessment
  • Ecosystem-based agricultural management